Brakes Grinding vs Brakes Squealing

Brakes Grinding vs Brakes Squealing

Some of the most common brake problems that drivers come across deal with a grinding or squealing sound.  Whichever the sound may be, these noises indicate that there is a problem with your brakes and it should be dealt with as soon as possible.  Knowing the difference between a grinding and squealing situation can possibly[Read more…]

How to Prevent Your Vehicle from Overheating

When you find yourself in a situation where your vehicle is overheating, the proper steps and procedure might be unclear for some.  There are a lot of things you can do while you are out on the road to prevent your vehicle from overheating. If you are driving or stuck in traffic and you notice[Read more…]

Highest Safety Rated Vehicles

When it comes to rating safety thresholds for vehicles, the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) measures how well a vehicle protects its passengers in a crash.  However, in addition to this, cars must now also have effective headlights to get the highest rating as well.  The power of your headlights may determine if you[Read more…]

Why Reliable Shocks Are Needed After Winter

After a long and and strange winter that couldn’t make up its mind when it came to weather, it might be time to replace your shocks and struts.  Now that the spring weather is starting to come into the fold, we are left with sizeable potholes from snow plows and freezing/unfreezing of water, and damages[Read more…]

Is it the Battery or The Alternator?

We’ve all been in a situation before where our car just won’t start, and it always seems to happen at the worst times.  In most cases, it is usually your battery that’s dead and a simple jumpstart can get you back on the road again.  However, in other more particular cases, it could actually be[Read more…]

How Does Speeding Affect Your Gas Mileage?

Drivers today are trying to get the most bang for their buck, especially when it comes to gas mileage.  Gas prices aren’t what they used to be and speeding can impact you when you’re at the pump.  According to, aggressive driving such as speeding, rapid acceleration and breaking, can waste gas.  Such driving habits[Read more…]

Choosing The Right Antifreeze for Your Vehicle

When it comes to choosing antifreeze for your vehicle, most people who aren’t car enthusiasts don’t really know where to begin.  For those who don’t know what antifreeze is for, it is a liquid that stops the water in your engine’s cooling system from freezing.  If the water did indeed end up freezing, then it[Read more…]

The Vehicle Models That Last the Longest

Getting your vehicle to 200,000 miles is a goal that every vehicle owner should have.  Vehicles are expensive, and getting the most out of them should be first and foremost.  Consumer Reports has come out with a list of ten vehicles that are the most likely to get to 200,000 miles and beyond, that are[Read more…]