How Extra Weight Negatively Impacts Vehicles

How Extra Weight Negatively Impacts Vehicles

Many factors affect your vehicle’s gas mileage, performance, and lifespan. Therefore, you should be aware of what’s good for your car and what’s not. One lesser-known factor that can literally bog down your car is the weight it carries (particularly in the trunk). If you’ve ever loaded many people into a small vehicle, then you’ve[Read more…]

Often Overlooked but Important Vehicle Maintenance

Maintenance can be the key to keeping your car running great for years. When most people think of car maintenance, they think of oil changes and brake jobs—but what about some of the smaller or easy-to-overlook vehicle maintenance jobs? You should be keeping up with those too! Windshield Wipers You have probably driven your car[Read more…]

Which Gasoline Should You Choose for Your Vehicle

When you pull into a gas station, you probably notice a sign that advertises two types of gasoline which are more expensive than regular. If you purchased a high-performance vehicle, then the manufacturer probably recommends that you use premium fuel. But, what’s the difference between premium and regular gasoline? And, more importantly, is it worth[Read more…]

Improving Your Vehicle’s Lifespan

If you’ve ever bought or sold a vehicle, you know how important the number of miles on the engine is. That’s because most vehicles have a generally agreed upon life span. However, there are many steps you can take to improve a vehicle’s life span. The first and most important step you can take is ensuring[Read more…]

What Type of Oil You Should Use on Your Vehicle

Every 3,000 – 5,000 or so miles, you should perform an oil change on your car. Maintaining the correct level and type of clean oil is not only vital in preventing breakdowns, it can improve the performance and fuel economy of your car. Engine oil can be purchased in different types, weights and viscosities (thickness), which[Read more…]

Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter

When the harsh winter weather hits, it is important to make sure that you properly prepare your vehicle for the season. There are many easy things that you can do to keep your vehicle working in tip-top shape during the cold winter months. The following guide walks you through a few handy tips to help[Read more…]

Maintaining Your Car Battery

Everyone’s been there: You climb into your car after a long day, put the key in the ignition and attempt to start the car, only to find nothing happens. Often times, this is a result of a car battery that needs to be replaced. Car batteries are made using a lead-acid reaction to create electrical energy.[Read more…]

The Cost of Not Keeping Up With Your Vehicle Maintenance

If you’ve ever owned a car, chances are you’ve had to deal with the heartbreak of having to shell out hundreds of dollars for repairs. What you may not know is that many of these problems can be prevented with proper vehicle maintenance. Oil Change One of the most common vehicle maintenance tasks you’ll need[Read more…]

The Role of a Radiator

In order for an engine to work properly, all of the parts under the hood must work properly. One of the essential parts of your vehicle is the radiator. The following guide walks you through the role it plays in your vehicle and the importance of it. The Purpose of a Car Radiator The engine[Read more…]

Winter Driving Conditions

Driving in winter weather for the first time can be scary if you do not know how to handle the precarious driving conditions. Driving in the snow and ice is not difficult if you take your time and incorporate some useful winter driving skills into your daily commute. The following guide features a few winter[Read more…]