Your car radiator has dual roles. It not only heats the interior of your vehicle, but it also cools down your engine and prevents it from overheating. Taking care of your radiator is essential to maintain the life of your car. So how do you know if there’s a problem? Let’s take a look at[Read more…]

Drive belts are what deliver power to the different components of your car’s engine. Without these belts, nothing in your vehicle would function adequately. Here is a basic breakdown of the various belts in your car and what they do. V-Belts V-belts come off the crankshaft of a car’s engine and drive the alternator, the air[Read more…]

Nobody enjoys cleaning out their car. It tends to get put off over and over again until it gets to the point where you’re embarrassed to let anyone in your car. And once you do clean it, it never seems to stay clean very long. Well, we’ve compiled a list of car cleaning hacks, some[Read more…]

Changing your car’s air filter is necessary to make sure your engine is running smoothly and efficiently. It is recommended that you change your air filter every 15,000 to 30,000 miles, but if you tend to drive on unpaved roads, it should be changed more often. Changing it during the Spring is most effective. Why?[Read more…]

We tend to use our vehicles more often in the summer. There’s road trips, beach trips, visits to the houses of our friends and families… We’re always on the go in the summer. That’s why it’s even more important to maintain your car and make sure it’s in top shape for summer. Here’s a list of[Read more…]

Driving in the rain can be dangerous. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, rain-slicked roads cause more accidents than snow, sleet or fog. But rain happens, so how do you stay safe? If a heavy rainstorm hits and you have little to no visibility, you should always try to pull over safely[Read more…]

Cruise control is a feature in most cars driven in the United States. It’s a convenient feature to have on those long cross-country road trips or when the Parkway is empty. However, we don’t typically think much about it. While cruise control dates to 1788 when an early version was used in steam ships, modern[Read more…]

If you own a vehicle, finding a trustworthy mechanic is essential to extending its lifespan. It’s an incredibly relieving feeling when you find a trustworthy mechanic that has your best interests and safety in mind. Finding this mechanic can be challenging but there are ways to separate the trustworthy mechanics from the untrustworthy. The first[Read more…]

Every car comes equipped with an emergency brake, which can also be called a parking brake, e-brake, or handbrake. This brake also has several variations. It can be a stick lever, a center lever, a foot pedal, or a push button. Regardless of what you call the emergency brake and where it is located in[Read more…]

There are many things that can go wrong with your car’s air conditioning system, which is why it is necessary to schedule your car for regular checkups. The first problem that can go wrong is also the most horrifying. You do not want your car to get infected with Black Death. If your car is[Read more…]